Funeral Planning

Imagine that you’ve died and have made no provision to cover the costs of your funeral. Your family are worried about how they’re going to pay for everything when they are already very upset at losing you. How can you avoid this happening?

The average cost of a funeral in 2019 was £4,417 and by 2023 this is set to rise to £5,210. That’s a lot of money to find at short notice. So it’s best to start planning ahead now. A funeral plan allows you to pay for your funeral at today’s price and spread the cost. By paying a fixed amount over a period of time everything’s taken care of. You could live to be 120 and your family won’t have to pay another penny for the funeral director’s services apart from any additional requirements and you could always put a little extra aside for those.

Once a plan is taken out, wishes can be specified in as much detail as you require. Surveys indicate that only 1% know the wishes of their loved ones. But by making decisions now you can relieve your family of an emotional and practical burden at an already difficult time.